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Next Step

Updated: Feb 22, 2023

Most of the dust has settled post-election, with some lingering national issues. But from my perspective – how I am presently looking at things has much to do with my sincere appreciation for the many efforts made, not the least of which were the efforts of more than 60% of the Kootenai County electorate coming out to cast their votes; that’s a great success, in and of itself. I know many will say things didn’t go their way, but I remain optimistic about what I see as a steady and incremental awakening in this state and country. I will remain long on America, and see an eventual dampening of the pendulum as a sign that we can all coalesce around the shared values that made this country great while lessening the attention on issues that tend to divide us.

With that said, I am eager to play my part in this continual great American experiment, where I intend to adhere to my message of sustaining and enhancing our representative form of government, seeking to restore and protect individual liberty, especially for those of our most vulnerable; and, to be led by the tenets of our inspirational founding documents, and keeping this Republic standing tall. It will be a busy lead-up to the 2023 session, with more conferences and many meetings. Still, I am encouraged by some fantastic veteran legislators and those newly elected that I will be in good company and part of a competent and cooperative team. The next big step before the 2023 session will be the legislative orientation. We will head down to Boise for the orientation and swearing-in, etc., from November 28th through December 2nd, then return for the session starting January 9th.

I am delighted with how things worked out regarding my campaign. Still, I know very well that most of what was accomplished would not have come to pass without God’s leading, without the support of the Kootenai County Republican Central Committee, with all its many facets, without the support and sacrifices of family and friends; without the sage advice of current legislators; and, the long list of volunteers and those who have chosen to trust me, by supporting me and ultimately voting me into office. I am genuinely humbled by it all – thank you.

If I could ask one more favor of those who so diligently stayed the course and are probably finally enjoying a respite from the election ordeal, to please keep an eye out for any Carl Bjerke for Senate signs: either grab them or let me know where I can go to pick them up; if they are worse for the wear, please go ahead and dispose of them, but, also feel free to keep them or get them back to me. Although I will likely have a new design for the next election, I will also repurpose the originals.

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